Did you know that the size of the smallest officially recognized country is only 0,44 square kilometers? Vatican is located in a walled enclave within the city of Rome, Italy. It has 826 citizens but the citizenship is binded to being employed by the country and is usually revoked upon the termination of the employment. There are no permanent residents, therefore.
The Pitcairn Island is definitely larger with its 4.6 square kilometers but has only 48 citizens. The official language is Pitkern which is a derivative of the 18th century English with some Tahitian influence.
Principality of Sealand's official recognition is controversial at the moment but it could win in both categories with its 550 square meters territory and 27 citizens. The UK and Germany both de facto recognized the Principality. It has its own currency, post stamps and passports which are accepted in foreign banks.
BjornSocialist Republic is a micronation, not an official country. It has only 5 square meters territory on top of a stone "that looks like a tractor". It is only recognized by Ladonia, a micronation which was declared by an artist around his two sculptures to protect them from the Swedish authorities who wished to remove them.
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